Reporting problems to the Council

You can use the City Council website to report items on public land that need their attention – from street lights not working, potholes, overflowing litter bins, graffiti, obstructions of the footpath etc.   With the lack of funding that has led to the ending of the employment of our Neighbourhood Wardens we all need to report items as much as we can in order to make sure Moseley continues to look good.

The City Council’s website has recently been redesigned and there are now two main areas of the website which allow you to bring problems to the attention of the Council.  There is some overlap and duplication between the two areas, but they are fairly self-explanatory and easy to navigate.  The two areas are:-

Under ‘Contact Us’ / ‘Comments, Compliments and Complaints’ you can report a wide range of faults
You can report items under the following headings – each heading having a variety of sub-sections. The main headings are:

Under ‘Home’ / ‘Environment’  you can request action on a number of environmental health problems
By selecting the links on that page, you can request action on:

  • fly-posting;
  • noise nuisance;
  • graffiti removal;
  • hypodermic needles;
  • dead animal removal and street cleaning;
  • air, water and light pollution;
  • problems with food products or businesses;
  • stray or dangerous dogs;
  • pest problems at home.

Some of these services are available for problems at your property and are chargeable.