Weekly lists of planning applications received can be found on the City Council website, www.birmingham.gov.uk under Planning & Environment/Planning/Planning Applications. A link to this page is shown below. The lists contain separate pages for each ward in Birmingham. Go to the page for Moseley and Kings Heath ward to view applications in our area.
If you want further information about particular applications, the City Council website offers a query tool called ‘Planning Online’ also reached via the Planning Applications page cited above. Again, a link to this page is shown below. You can search by various criteria, e.g. ward and date, to retrieve details of development proposals as well as the status of current applications, decisions and appeals.
A new mapping system called LocalView showing Planning Register information is now available through the City Council website. It shows the boundaries of planning applications, Listed Buildings, Tree Preservation Orders and Conservation Areas. With the aid of a simple toolbar, the user can change the map scale and location, switch layers on and off and click on particular map objects to get more information. A link to this page is shown below.
The contact details for the City Council department that deals with planning applications and related matters are as follows:
Telephone: 0121 303 1115
Email: planning.enquiries@birmingham.gov.uk
Further contact information can be found on the Planning pages of the City Council website.