How to Join

Moseley Society – New Membership Form

Subscriptions are £10 p.a. per household (£5 for students/unwaged).
If you would like to join the Moseley Society, you can complete the form below and return it electronically, or print it and return it by post.   Before you do so, you should set up a standing order to pay your annual subscription. Click the link HERE to find out how.  If you have set up a standing order but not yet heard from us please email all-enquiries -at- moseley-society -dot- org -dot- uk.

Data Protection:  The Moseley Society collects and holds personal data for communicating with its members by newsletter and emails; administering its annual membership subscriptions; and reclaiming Gift Aid on subscriptions and donations.

Membership Application Form

Please complete this on-line membership application form.

If you agree with the Gift Aid Declaration below, please check the box at the end of the form to confirm that you agree with it.
Please don’t forget to click the checkbox to confirm that you have set up your Standing Order.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid allows us to claim from the Government an additional 25p for every £1 of your annual subscriptions and donations. The membership application form has a checkbox to allow you to make a Gift Aid declaration in respect of your subscriptions.

Gift Aid declaration

Please treat all subscriptions and donations I have made in the last four years and all future subscriptions and donations that I make as Gift Aid donations.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year then it is my responsibility to pay any difference.


    Please note that any information which you provide about yourself will be treated as confidential.

    For more details please see our Privacy Policy