Welcome to the Moseley Society
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Moseley Society Talks Programme.
We are currently in the process of planning a new programme of talks for the autumn and winter season, about which details will be made available here.
Jan Berry’s book ‘Moseley 1850-1900’
Jan Berry’s book is still available to be purchased at the special price of £12.50. It is on sale at the Heath Bookshop in Kings Heath. The shop is in King’s Court, the entrance to which is near the HSBC Bank and opposite WH Smith/The Post Office.
Our new-look Summer Newsletter is now available
You can read our new-look Moseley Society Summer Newsletter here.
The Moseley Society – Caring for an historic area of Birmingham
If you are interested in joining the Society, see here for How to Join.
Moseley is a diverse, vibrant suburb three miles south of central Birmingham, with fine Victorian and Edwardian housing, attractive green spaces and historic buildings. It is continually under pressure for further development, not always in keeping with the character of the area. The Moseley Society was formed to conserve and enhance the environment of Moseley and respond to development issues in collaboration with voluntary organisations and public bodies, increase understanding of Moseley’s heritage and encourage community participation. To this end, we continually monitor and respond to planning applications and local development proposals. The Moseley Society Chronological Summary 1979-2019 gives a full chronology of all the achievements of the Moseley Society over the past 40 years. You can find out more about the Society here.
The Society runs a Programme of evening talks on a variety of topics and publishes quarterly Newsletters with updates on local news and events. It plays an active part in local events such as the Moseley Festival and has an enthusiastic Local History group which welcomes new members. For the next few months the History Group will be meeting at The Moseley Hive (for full details see the Local History page) and will welcome any visitors who want to ask questions or find out more about the Group’s activities; for example it is just starting a new project on World War 2 (see here) and would love to hear from any relatives of men commemorated on the St Mary’s WW2 war memorial. See here for further details.
Dovecote and Icehouse
We also maintain the historic Dovecote and Icehouse on the former Moseley Hall estate, which the Society was instrumental in preserving. We have created an attractive award-winning 18th century style garden around the Dovecote and are keen to enlist the support of knowledgeable gardeners to help with its maintenance and further development.
Birmingham Heritage Forum
The Moseley Society is a member of Birmingham Heritage Forum. – see their website for information and news about visitor attractions and heritage sites in Birmingham. You can also view their latest brochure showing all the heritage sites in Birmingham (including the Dovecote and Icehouse) in and easy-to-read flipable format
Memorial Page 2020
As Covid-19 spread across our community we opened this page for everyone who wished to record and remember the lives of people in Moseley who died. Read it here or you can reach it through our News & Events page.